To have a single name or to remove your last name on facebook, follow these steps. 1) Open Firefox browser, and go to Otions>Advanced...
How To Dual Boot Ubuntu With Windows (EFI Booting)
So, many of you might be having problems on dual booting windows and ubuntu on a EFI enabled machine. Well this is because the grub bo...
Bypassing Kaspersky Antivirus Password.
So, sometimes when you visit a website which allows us to download hacking tools and warez, Kaspersky antivirus and other antiviruses bl...
Hacking Humans ~ Social Engineering
Did you know that humans get Hacked as much as computers? It is called social engineering and it has been happening long before computers ...
Resetting The BIOS Password.
Whats is BIOS? BIOS Stands for B asic I nput O utput S ystem. The BIOS is the first thing you see when you turn on your compute...
How to Hack Windows Passwords.
In this article, i will tell you how to break into a windows PC and how to bypass the password. There are methods you can try to break ...
Windows Backdoor Password Reset
Alright so in this tutorial i will show you how you can change windows administrator account. but before that i want to tell you that th...
Facebook 3 Different Passwords
Well, this is not actually a hack or something, but just thought to post this information with you guys. Do you know that you can access t...
USB Password Stealer
So, it is common that most of the keeps there passwords saved in their browsers, well this is very helpful so that they don't have to w...
Keylogger is a software program or hardware device that is used to monitor and log each of the keys a user types into a computer keyboard. ...
Facebook Phishing
How to hack a facebook account by phishing: Facebook phishing is the most common and easiest way we can hack a facebook account. ...
How To Hide IP Address
How do I hide my IP address? The most common method to hide your IP address is to use a proxy server in one form or another. A proxy ...
Session Hijacking ( cookie stealing )
First of all, before going any further you have to understand what a cookie is. So what is a cookie? a cookie is a small piece of informati...
Use your USB stick as RAM
Have you ever thought that you can use your USB pen drive as your computer's RAM? I will tell you how to do this. It is very very simpl...